Monday, August 22, 2011

Unhealthy Outdoorsman 8/22/11

Didn't post last week because I had zero gain/zero loss.

Went in to the Dr.'s today and I'm down another 3lbs!

Down to 464.  Pretty sure the wade trip yesterday is responsible for that loss.  I'm sore as hell.  Got calves of steel today today.  I think the wife secretly enjoys the extra definition. ;)

Thanks to Kim for asking about progress, I appreciate you keeping me honest.  :)

Anybody else losing weight?


Michael Agneta said...

I'd like to think so, but then my wife goes and bakes another tray of brownies. Willpower is not my best asset.

Congrats on your progress. I'm very impressed to date and have been looking forward to your updates.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Mark: Do not be discouraged with a week where there is no gain/loss. The important factor here is NO GAIN!!! You maintained your weight for a week and then lost another 3 pounds. Way to go! Keep up with the movement, that seems to be key in your case. Seriously, try to expend some energy each day. Applause all the way around my friend!